Superior® ML80
Reversible low-lint inspection gloves
Our Superior® ML80 reversible inspection gloves feature a cotton blend that is low-linting to avoid shedding material and contamination. Reversible for ease of use and CFIA-compliant for safe food handling, they’re ideal for assembly tasks and inspection lines. They can be used on their own or worn as a liner under other safety gloves for extra warmth.
Product Features
- Low-linting to avoid shedding material and prevent contamination
- Ambidextrous for ease of use
- CFIA-compliant for safe food handling
- Can be worn on their own or as a liner under other safety gloves
- Cleaning instructions: wash and tumble dry
Automotive, Electronics, Metal Fabrication
Recommended for
Assembly, Cleanrooms, Paint Lines, Product Inspection
Alternative Versions
Um ajuste adequado é extremamente importante. Um ajuste desconfortável causa fadiga nas mãos e, em última instância, pode levar a um perigo potencial no local de trabalho.
Meça a largura de sua mão a partir da base de seu primeiro dedo e através de seus nós dos dedos.