Contender™ SBKG
Black knit cut protection that hides dirt and stains for longer wear life
Our Contender™ SBKG gloves are made from dark colored ParaActiv™ engineered yarn to hide dirt and stains while protecting hands from cut hazards. Featuring 360° cut protection with high ANSI A5 cut resistance, they offer a bare hand feel, dexterity, and are ideal for work in unfinished or grimy environments where dirt is visible.
Product Features
- ParaActiv™ engineered yarn provides 360° cut protection with ANSI A5 cut resistance
- Black knit hides dirt and stains to increase wear life
- TAA Compliant
Automotive, Glass Manufacturing, Metal Fabrication
Recommended for
Assembly, Glass Handling, Light Stamping, Parts Handling
Um ajuste adequado é extremamente importante. Um ajuste desconfortável causa fadiga nas mãos e, em última instância, pode levar a um perigo potencial no local de trabalho.
Meça a largura de sua mão a partir da base de seu primeiro dedo e através de seus nós dos dedos.