Superior® MLNF
Lightweight and lint-free painter's gloves
These painter’s gloves are made from a lint-free nylon that optimizes them for any application where dust or particles may pose a concern, or when surfaces must be protected from scratches, oils, and fingerprints. They’re lightweight, comfortable, and feature a slip-on fit for easy on and off. Fully launderable, they can be easily refreshed after messy jobs.
Product Features
- Lint-free nylon makes these gloves ideal for working with electronics and paint lines
- Fully launderable, these gloves can be easily refreshed after messy jobs
- Lightweight and comfortable
- Slip-on styling for easy donning and doffing
Automotive, Electronics, Metal Fabrication
Recommended for
Assembly, Cleanrooms, Paint Lines, Product Inspection
Um ajuste adequado é extremamente importante. Um ajuste desconfortável causa fadiga nas mãos e, em última instância, pode levar a um perigo potencial no local de trabalho.
Meça a largura de sua mão a partir da base de seu primeiro dedo e através de seus nós dos dedos.